Máirt na hInideFadó rinne daoine troscadh ar feadh 40 lá go dtí Domhnach na Cásca. Thosaigh said ar Chéadaoin an Luaithrigh agus bhí orthu go leor bia a ithe an lá roimhe sin, Máirt na hInide. An Carghas a thugtar ar an tréimhse ama seo. Ní raibh cead acu uibheacha a ithe i rith an Charghais.
Dá bhrí sin rinne said pancóga chun iad a úsáid. Maidin Domhnaigh d'ith said uibheacha arís, Uibheacha Cásca. Is lá mór é timpeall an domhain. Mardi Gras is ainm dó in áiteanna. Téarma Fraincise atá ann. Tá Mardi Gras an-mhór i New Orleans agus sa Bhraisil. Tugtar Martedí Grasso air san Iodáil. |
Shrove TuesdayIn days gone by people undertook 40 days of fasting prior to Easter Sunday. This fasting began on Ash Wednesday.
Shrove Tuesday, the day immediately prior to Ash Wednesday was the last day in which all foodstuff in the larders could be consumed. It was necessary, therefore, on this day, to empty the larders of all perishable foods that would not be allowed for the next 40 days. Eggs could not be consumed and Pancakes became an obvious and delicious way of using all these eggs. This fasting period is known as Lent and ends on Easter Sunday with the eating of eggs once again, Easter Eggs. It is a big day of celebration in many parts of the world. Known as Mardi Gras, a French term for Fat Tuesday, it draws crowds to New Orleans each year. Similarly, Rio de Janerio, celebrates in style. In Italy it is known as Martedí Grasso. |